Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sounds for Sights

I know this has little to do with Japan, but I figured I should probably put more music in here. Not Japanese music, necessarily, just the stuff I'm listening to over here in case people are interested. In our iTunes age of playlists, I tend to listen to particular things for particular seasons, then switch 'em up when leaves fall or snows melt or the nights bring the cold, crisp smell of seasons turning. Also, it would appear that what I listen to is closely linked to the people who tell me to listen.

So here's some stuff from Falling Furubira:

Dan Mangan - Fair Verona (A contribution from Amy out in Vancouver)

The Knife - Heartbeats (I had this song, but Mark turned me on to its awesome)

USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker) - 2 15/16 (compliments of Garcia, seeking to keep me current and Canadian; the lyrics make it for me)

Beast - Mr Hurricane (also contributed, though indirectly, by Amy as her friend's brother directed the fantastic music video that was, sadly, robbed of a grammy by the Black Eyed Peas)

And, because they're my boys and it's one of the most beautiful music videos I've ever seen:

Hey Rosetta! - Red Song

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE DAN MANGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Isn't it cool how I am finally the one introducing YOU to new music?!?

    You would die at the number of free shows about to commence in this city (DM, Hey Rosetta, Hawkesly, Kathleen Edwards, Elliot Brood......the list goes on and on). it is a tragedy that I have no discovered how to be in 3 places at once, or at least make effiencies in travel, like apparate from show to show......but alas, I will do my best to enjoy as much as possible!
