Friday, September 18, 2009

Through the fire...

Well, as Lindsay, Mark, and I are varying degrees of both tenacious and optimistic, we're determined to overcome our annoyances and salvage something of the 9-day gift that is Silver Week. We've got us a bit of a plan, and it might just turn into a magical journey from the south to the north of this island we now call home, but I'll keep you advised about how it goes.

In the interim, last weekend was my town's one and only festival: Tengu Matsuri. It's celebrated in honour of this crazy, red-skinned goblin demon who is supposed to help the people of my town to catch fish, and the festival is so bad-ass that it happens twice a year.

Don't believe me? Check this out:

Let's see you do that in 6-inch stilts/sandals and a crazy goblin outfit.

Also, we made it out to Shakotan last weekend when we weren't festivaling it up, and that place is just as gorgeous as everyone makes it out to be. Here is my Shakotan Flickr set, but here' a little something to give you an idea of why you should take a look.

Finally, if you're one of those people who wants to hear more about my adventures at school, be sure to check out the post below that I posted earlier today.

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